Saturday, 19 September 2015

Want To Make Web Site?

Create An Website:

What We Have To Do?

You will learn how to create web site.

Make Web Site:

Create new folder on your computer.
Name it demoweb.
Now you have local website.

Make Home Page:

Create new file named index.html,In demoweb folder.

By using Notepad to put following content:


Add About Page:

Create new file named about.html, in demoweb folder.

Put following in file:


You are free to edit content.

Thursday, 17 September 2015

Learn About Html5 Video

Html5 Video:

In Html Playing Videos:

There was no standard for showing videos on web page,Before Html5.Videos could only be played with plug-in (like flash).
Html5 <video> element specifies standard way to embed video in web page.

Supportted By Following Browsers:

Browsers given below have full support <video> element.

Html <video> Element:

<video> element is used in html show videos.


How It Works:

Control attribute adds video controls,like play, pause, and volume.
To include width and height attributes is good idea.
If you will not set height and width browser does not know about size of video.Effect will be that page will change as video loads.
Text b/w <video> and </video> tags will only display browsers that do not support <video> element.
Multiple <source> elements can link to different video files.

<video> Autoplay in Html:

Use autoplay attribute to start video automatically.


Browser Support - Html Video:

MP4.WebM,and Ogg are 3 supported video formats for <video> element.

Media Types - Html Video:

Methods,Properties, and Events - Html Video:

Html5 defines DOM methods,properties, and events for <video> element.
This allows you to load, play and pause as well as setting duration and volume in videos.
There are DOM events that can notify you when video begins to play, paused etc.

Video Tags Of Html5:

Wednesday, 16 September 2015

Learn About Html Forms

Html Forms:

<form> Element:

Html forms are used to collect user input.
<form> element defines Html form;

Html forms contain form elements.
Form elements are of different types input elements,checkboxes,submit buttons and more.

<input> Element:

<input> element is most important form element.
<input> element has many variation depending on type attribute.

Types that are used in this chapter:

Text Input In Html:

<input type="text"> defines one-line firld for text input;

Radio Button Input In Html:

To define radio button <input type="radio"> is used.
Radio buttons let user to select one limited number of choices;


Submit Button In html:

To define button for submitting form to a form-holder  <input type="submit"> is used.
Form-handler is typically server page with script for processing input data.
Form-handler is specified in form action attribute;


Action Attribute:

Action attribute defines action to be performed when form is submitted.
Common way to submit form to server is by using submit button.
Form is submitted to web page on web server.
In example, above server sside is specified to handle submitted form:

If action attribute is omitted action is set to current page.

Method Attribute:

Method attribute specifies HTTP method(GET or POST) to be used when submitting forms:


When GET is To Be Used?

You can use it in default method;
If form submission is passive (like search engine query), and without sensitive information.
Form data will be visible in page address,When you use GET.

When You Should Use Post?

You should use post,If form is updating data,or includes sensitive information (password).
POST gives best security because submitted data is not visible in page address.

Name Attribe:

To submit correctly each input field must have a name attribute.
Example below will only submit "Last name" input field;


With <fieldset> Grouping Form Data:

<fieldset> element groups related data in a form.
<legend> element defines caption for <fieldset> element.


Html Form Attributes:

Html <form> element,with all possible attributes set will loke like:

<form> Attribute List:

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Learn Html Language Code

Html Language Code:

ISO Language Codes:

Html laguage attribute can be used to declare language of web page or portion of wed page.This meant to assist browsers and search engines.
According to W3C recommendation you should declare primary language for web page with language attribute inside <html> tag,like this:

ISO 639 - 1 Language Codes:

ISO 639 - 1 defines abbreviations for languages.
In XHtml and html they can be used in language and xml:land attributes.
Also see reference for country codes.

Friday, 11 September 2015

Easy To Learn Html Simple Pages

Html Simple Pages:

Simple ASP>NET page looks same as ordinary html page.

Hello Html Lovers:

We will construct very simple Html page that display "Hello Html Lovers" in an browser to start learning ASP.NET like this:

Hello Html Lovers In Html:

These codes will display examples as html page

If you want to try save code file called "firstpage.htm".

Hello Html Lover In ASP.NET:

Simplest way to convert Html page into ASP.Net page is to copy html file to new file with .aspx extension.
This example display ASP.NET page:

How Its Work?

ASP.NET page is same as Html page.
Html page has extension .htm.Server sends pageto browser without any modifications,If browser requests Html page from server.
ASP.NET page has extension .aspx. server processes any executable code in page,before result is sent back to browser,If browser requests an ASP.NET page.
ASP.NET page above does not contain any executable code,so nothing is executed.Next examples we will add more codes to demonstrate diffrence b/w static html pages and dynamic ASP pages.

Classic ASP:

(ASP) Active Server Pages has been around for several years.Executable code can be placed inside html pages by using ASP.
Classic ASP is previous version of ASP(before ASP.NET).
ASP.NET is not fully compatible with Classic ASP but most classic asp pages will work fine as ASP.NET pages with only little changes.

Dynamic Page in Classic ASP:

In order to demonstrate that How ASP can display pages with dynamc content,now I have added some executable code to previous example:

Code inside <%--%> tags are exeuted on server.
Response.Write ASP code for writing something to Html output stream.
Now () is function returning servers current date and time.
If you want to try it save code in file called "dynpage.asp" .

Dynamic Page:

Following code will display our example as ASP.NET page.

Classic ASP vs ASP.NET:

Previous examples does not show any difference b/w ASP.NET and Classic ASP.
From latest two examples there is no difference b/w two ASP and ASP.NET pages.
In further discussion you will see how server controls make ASP.NET more powerful Than Classic ASP.

Classic ASP Limitations:

Listing below is copied from previous examples:

Code above  illustrate limitation in Classic ASP:COde block has to be placed where you want output to appear.
It is impossible to seperate executable code from Html itself,With Classic  ASP.This make page difficult to maintain and read.

Server Controls - ASP.NET:

"spaghetti-code" problem has been solved by ASP.NET that describes above servers controls.
Server controls tags are tags that are understood by server.
Following are three kinds of server controls:
2)VALIDATION SERVER CONTROLS - For input validation
3)HTML SERVER CONTROLS - Traditional Html Tags

Wednesday, 9 September 2015

Learn About Html Bold Tag

Html <b> Tag:


Usage And Definition:

<b> tag defines bold text.

Supported by following Browsers:

Difference B/W Html 4.01 & html5:

There is no difference.

Notes And Tips:

Tip:CSS "font-weight" property can also  be used to set bold text.
Note:According to html 5,<b. tag should be used as Last resort when there is no other more appropriate tag.Headings should be denoted with <h1. to <h6> tags,emphasized text should be denoted by <em> tag,important text be denoted by <strong> tag, and marked text should use <mark> tag.

Global Attributes:

<b> tag also supports global attributes in Html.

Event Attributes:

<b> tag also supports Event Attributes in html.

Related Page:

Html Text Formatting

CSS Setting Default:

Browsers will display <b> element with following default values


Learn About Html Codes

Html <code> Tag:


Format text in document

Usage And Definition:

<code> tag is a phrase tag.It defines piece of computer code.

All phrase tags:

Supported By Following Browsers:

Difference B/W Html 4.01 & Html5:

There is no difference.

Default CSS Settings:

Browsers will display <code> element with following default values
